Friday, December 14, 2007

My Favorite Practice Coaches

I am a big fan of some of the other Private Practice marketing coaches out there. I've learned a lot from them, and they've got a lot to teach. So I wanted to just take a second and give a shout-out to

Lynn Grodzki LCSW MCC - - Lynn's books have been helping people get established for years. I was lucky enough to do a one-day workshop with her the year I started my practice, and her teachings on business affirmations and "Yeah, buts" were a big part of my growth. I'll cover these in a later post.

Casey Truffo LMFT - - I came upon Casey in 2006 and she helped me carve out my true niche - working with "Nice Guys". Very good resources on her site, helpful coaches and conference calls.

If I had to compare the two, I'd say that Lynn does amazing private practice nuts and bolts work, including the nuts and bolts in your mind. Casey works the marketing side much more directly and audaciously. You can't go wrong with either.

Until next time, your Grateful Guy reporting.

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