Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Figuring Out Your 'Yeah, But's

If our consciousness is cause, then the only things between us and what we want are ideas and beliefs in that same consciousness. I've been introduced to an exercise to figure out what those blocks are - it's called the "Yeah, But" exercise.

First, you need to choose that thing you want to have, to achieve, to be. This should be big thing (the juicier, the better). Perhaps "I can have a full private practice", or "I will be happily married with kids!". We'll call that your affirmation.

The next step is simple. Start with a piece of paper (OK, you'll most likely need 2, 3 or 4 pieces for most tries at this). Draw a vertical line down the middle of the paper. In the left hand column, write your affirmation once. Now wait. Your mind will come up with a reason, worry, excuse, 'truth', belief or opinion that is contrary to that affirmation. Perhaps "You're too young", or "you're too old", or "that will take too much school."

Skip to the next line on the paper. Write your affirmation again. Wait just a moment. Your mind should come up with it's next objection. Write that objection down.

Continue this until your mind has exhausted it's well of Yeah, Buts. You now have a list of the things between you and manifesting the thing you affirmed. Now how to get past those objections? That's for another day.

Best, Your Grateful Guy


Anonymous said...

Hey Peter,
What a good blog - good for you for sticking your neck out.

I appreciate the wisdom you have to share.

Well done,
Cynthia McKenna Counseling

Victoria Schlicht, LMFT said...


Love you blog. Enjoy your writing style. Your thinking is right up my alley all the way around. Thank you for walking us through our resistance by working our "Yeah, but's!"