Saturday, December 29, 2007

Setting Intentions for 2008

A new year is about to begin! Time to set new intentions. I've been a believer in setting intentions because several years of experience has shown me that they work!

For me, an intention is a direction I set in my mind. It is the vision of the creation. It includes the destination but is not limited by it, nor does it necessarily show the path I will take to get there. If need be, I will include concrete goals to help measure my manifestation, taking good care to not let them limit me (for instance, I intend to earn $100,000 or more in revenues in 2008 - and I may revise that upward in the next few days). But the goals reflect a feeling, an experience, the financial goals representing Abundance, and Success.

A goal feels like something I "try to do". Just as a resolution is something I "try to keep". It smacks of work. It reeks of effort. It sounds difficult. My experience with intentions has been that when I set them I usually have no idea how I will create them, but I figure it will be exciting to do so. And often afterwards I find that I enjoyed the manifestation process, and I grew and was enriched by it.

Your intentions can simply be written, like a list or a word-story. Or they can be done via collage, especially if you are a more visual thinker. I strongly suggest keeping them somewhere where you will see them on a daily basis (mine go in the front page of my schedule book).

I'll share with you my intentions that intersect with this blog:
- I express and share my spiritual side
- I create and write whatever I am passionate about
- I experience Abundance by being of service to others

There are more, but I'm going to keep those for myself and my support network.

Happy New Year! Your Grateful Guy

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