Sunday, December 16, 2007

Why Therapy Is A Growth Industry: Presence vs Technology

(This is one of a continuing series on why therapy is a growth industry)

Worried about making a living in the future as a therapist? Don't. We are going to be more and more in need. Why? One word - Presence.

As the world becomes more complex, and specifically as we allow technology to be an intermediary in more and more of our personal dealings, people are going to both thirst for, and meanwhile have a harder time with presence.

To me, presence is the very basic human act of being with someone. Listening. Hearing. Witnessing. Undivided. On all levels - physical, mental, emotional. It's something we all need. It's the core of good parenting, good friendship, and especially of good therapy.

But I experience in my own life, and witness all around me, the fracturing of presence (by multitasking, by busy-ness, by too much sensory input) and the lessening of being present with one another (by iPods, laptops, HDTV screens, Blackberrys, etc.).

While there have always been people who have intimacy problems, I am finding many couples (especially) are finding it "weird", "odd" or "awkward" to just be together (I'll call it anxiety-producing).

You will be a success by giving people what they need and thirst for:
Be the Presence of Love.
Be the Presence of Acceptance.
Be the Presence of Peace.
Be the Presence of Wisdom.
Be the Presence of Spirit.

Namaste! Your ever-grateful guy.

1 comment:

Steve McCready, MFT said...

Peter -

You make a great point. People really don't learn how to connect in person, one-on-one anymore, and I really see the impact of that with the clients I see. To me, that makes it all the more important that we can be warm, empathetic, and genuine with our clients, to help them learn how to have healthy relationships.