Sunday, January 20, 2008

On "Making" It Happen

I often write based on something I need to be reminded of, and today is another example of that.

I am working on planning an annual meeting for my spiritual community's men's group, of which I am the brand new leader. I have been stressed about it, feeling the tightness and tension in my chest as I try to do everything I can think of, and try to think of everything I should do. In short, I am trying to make it happen. Lots of effort and struggle.

Today, I was reminded that the place to start is with consciousness, with visioning, with intention. And to include the easy unfolding as part of the vision. So I am calling in prayer support, and have set aside some time to really sit in the visualization of what I want this meeting to be.

This is a reminder of the first year or two of my private practice, when I tried to make success happen, make clients call me, make a niche or specialty that would bring in dollars. It all turned when I started with intention first.

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