Sunday, December 14, 2008

So It's Serious Work - Be Happy Anyway.

My wonderful spiritual teacher, Kathianne Lewis, was speaking today at our spiritual community. She had a two-part talk, the first part being about Joy and Happiness. I thought it was applicable for us as therapists.

She spoke about figuring out a few years into her career as a minister that she was going to go home for a visit, and then she'd "get to be crazy". And she thought - "I used to have fun all the time, but I haven't been doing that lately."

She realized that when she entered her new line of work, she put on a "mantle of significance". I loved that phrase. I identified with it. When I became a therapist, it was all so serious. There was so much sadness and pain and wounding and processing and depth. And you know, there still is all that, but I think I hit the same point Kathianne did - she realized that you could work with people at all levels of problem, and still be in Joy yourself. Still be Happy. Still have Fun.

I love it.

Usually, in the few minutes between clients, I walk down the hallway outside my office (it's open to the air, and faces the west, for wondeful sunsets). And when I do this, I sing, I dance, I move my body and have a little fun before it's time to go to work.

So, dear colleagues, please do not forget to be Happy. To experience Joy. To have Fun. Remember, we cannot be unhappy enough to make some else happy. (Think about it).

Best, Your Grateful Guy

1 comment:

Steve McCready, MFT said...

As always, good points. Sure, we deal with some very serious, sad, and painful stuff ... but we also get to see glances of the incredible and nearly limitless human potential and strength, and for me, that completely makes up for the 'negative' parts of the work.
