Saturday, November 17, 2007

Welcome Fellow Private Practice Owners!

Welcome to this new blog. I'm a psychotherapist in my fifth year of practice. I've built it using tools both technological (see where I do PPC Adwords consulting for other professionals) and esoteric. This blog is about those esoteric tools.

These tools are various and known by different names - intention, Spirit, Law of Attraction, visualization, affirmation, prayer, belief, and I will often use the G-word. Yes, God.

I know I may lose some of you here, but in this Blog I'll be telling you what I've experienced as true. And this is what I've found - my clients come from God. I work for God. I used to think they come from Google or the Internet or my business card, but now I know they come from God. Feel free to think "Higher Power", "Spirit", or "The Universe" if you'd like instead. God is shorter to type. Also, these are not meant to favor *or* exclude Christians, Buddhists, Agnostics, New Thought followers or anyone else.

Along with knowing my clients come from God I also then know this:
- there are enough clients for me
- I don't have to struggle to get these clients

There are things you can do - and I'll get into these in later posts. This may be enough of a shock for you for now.

Namaste! Your Grateful Guy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"God is shorter to type" made me laugh out loud, thanks!