Saturday, March 22, 2008

Seeds - Planting and Germinating

I've been out in the garden today, and combined with this week's new therapy client, a post has developed.

The new client I met with yesterday was such a sad young man, and my heart was open to him and felt his hurt with him. In speaking with him, he worked with a man I knew the first couple of years I was in Seattle (like 1999-2002). I hadn't seen the acquaintance in 5-6 years, but here was someone coming in because I knew him back then. In my seed analogy, a seed planted and forgotten years ago germinated and came to life.

Seeds are interesting things. Some germinate easily, under a variety of conditions. Some can sit dormant for years. Some need external help (such as to go through a bird's digestive track, or in the case of giant sequoias need fire to open the seedcase). A seed planted this month may need the heat of August to begin to turn into a plant. Many seeds never germinate.

What's the point in your private practice? Keep planting seeds, keep planting seeds, keep planting seeds. I could also say "keep the faith, keep the faith, keep the faith," because you will not see the fruits of much of your efforts for a long time, but don't mistake the lack of results today for what will be. Over time, if you keep planting seeds, you will have results come to you.

In short: be a Johnny Appleseed of your Good.

Best, Your Grateful Guy

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