This is a self-toot! I am going to be presenting at the Therapist Leadership Institute Virtual Conference this Monday. It's not on the Spiritual Tools part, but it is on growing your business with web marketing.
This is a Casey Truffo thing, and I really respect Casey. She's greatly positive and optimistic and I like working with people like that.
For me, I am envisioning NEXT year doing a web marketing section AND a Spiritual Tools for Private Practice section! I think that's an exciting vision!
Come in you can - no worries if you don't.
My best to you, Your Ever-Grateful Guy
PS - Am re-energizing my own energies with the help of Spiritual Liberation: Fulfilling Your Soul's Potential
- a Michael Beckwith DVD, and in my car with the CDs of the book The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity: A Simple Guide to Unlimited Abundance
by Edwene Gaines. The CDs are great. She's a got a Southern accent and is a hoot!